Product ID: AP-VA
Do you need comfort and adjustability at an affordable price? The Velcro Adjustable apron has crisscrossing back straps that provide back support while securing the apron around your waist. Wide back straps prevent the apron from slipping around your shoulder and back area. CE Marked.
Included Options:
- Thyroid Collar
- Embroidery
- Pocket
- Print fabrics
Optional Comfort Add-ons:
- Backstrap - A thick velcro strap found on the back of an apron, usually a frontal protection apron, which secures one shoulder area to the other. A backstrap provides a secure, comfortable fit by not allowing the apron to slip on your
- CoolGuard Back Mesh - A flexible, aerated fabric which is added to the apron's back closure panels to increase air flow and improve comfort.
Optional Protection Add-ons
- Axillary Wings - Axillary wings can be added on to your aprons' armpit area. Wings are especially important for women to cover breast tissue that resides in their upper chest/armpit area.
- Side Extensions - The side extensions add-on increases a front protection apron's coverage around your hips. The apron is widened around the leg/hip area to provide additional lateral protection from x-ray exposure.
Radiation Protection
- Front - Standard 0.50 Lead (Pb) Equivalence
- Back - N/A
- Core Material Options - Lead (ST), Light Lead (LW), Ultralite Lead (UL), Lead-free (LF), Premier Lead-Free (PR), Bilayer (BI)
- Lead Equivalence - 0.50, .35, and .25 (Pb) LE
Core Material Protection Options
- Standard Lead (USA ASTM and EU IEC compliance)
- Our standard lead option is the heaviest of the four core materials we offer. Though heavy, pure lead vinyl is the most affordable material and consistently provides protection over a wide range of kVp.
Light-Weight Lead (ASTM Compliance)
- Over 10% lighter than standard lead. Our light-weight lead provides protection equal to traditional lead aprons while providing an excellent reduction in weight.
Ultralite Lead(ASTM Compliance)
- A trade secret blend of lead, antimony, bismuth, and additional attenuating elements all perfectly combined in one homogeneous, ultra lite weight layer. Ultralite lead is within 1% of Lead-Free's weight, yet is more affordable and protective due to its lead content.
Lead-Free(ASTM Compliance)
- Our lead free vinyl is 20% lighter than lead and 10% lighter than light lead. It is environmentally safe and can be disposed of through normal waste procedures.
Premier(ASTM Compliance)
- Premier vinyl represents a breakthrough in core material technology. Premier is lead-free, 30% lighter than lead and 8 - 10% lighter than our lead-free material. Premier is ideal for long procedures. When compared to competitors, Premier has no equal.
Bilayer(USA ASTM and EU IEC compliance)
- Bilayer is a proprietary, multi layer configuration comprised of Antimony and Bismuth. Together, these elements meet new IEC 61331-1 standards and properly block x-ray from 50 kVp to 150 kVp. Protech's bilayer material is lead-free, light-weight, and disposable. Due to the prevailing standards in the USA, Bilayer will be more expensive and slightly heavier than an ASTM (US) compliant lead-free apron.